Hora: 9:00 – 17:00 hs – June 12th, 2023 – State University of Campinas at Auditorium of FEEC Faculty of Elect. & Comp. Eng. – Av. Albert Einstein, 400 – Campinas-SP
Fabrication of liquid-film thickness sensors and transparent heaters towards integration in a microchannel – Presenter: PhD Student: Victor Eduardo Corte Baptistella
Liquid film thickness and flow pattern identification on two-phase flows using confocal microscopy – Presenter: PhD Student: Fernando Quintino dos Santos
Automated control system for thermal conductivity control of pulsating heat pipes – Presenter: Prof. Dr. Cristiano Bigonha Tibiriçá
Flow boiling of R1336mzz(Z) in tapered microgaps – Presenter: Dra. Debora Carneiro Moreira
High-pressure flow boiling of R1233zd(E) and R245fa in a horizontal tube: Experiments and assessment of prediction methods – Presenter: PhD Student: Daniel Borba Marchetto
Challenges in multi-process manufacturing for microchannel heat sink test section assemble – Presenter: Dr. Valter Salles do Nascimento Junior
Two-phase isothermal fluid flow simulation with the dimensional lattice Boltzmann method – Presenter: Mec. Eng. Student: Ivan Talão Martins
Study of the lattice Boltzmann method applied to single bubble growth on and departure from superheated surfaces – Presenter: Mec. Eng. Student: Ivan Talão Martins
Simulation of conjugate heat-transfer problems with the Lattice-Boltzmann Method – Presenter: Mec. Eng. Student: Vinicius Akyo Matsuda
Hard Masks for Bosh processing and formation of silicon multi micro-channels and the solar cell fabrication – Presenter: Prof. Dr. Jose Alexandre Diniz
Experimental study of a horizontal liquid film heat exchanger configuration – Presenter: Beethoven Narváez-Romo
Ammonia-water absorption refrigeration cycle for heat recovery of heavy-duty combustion engines – Presenter: Dr. Beethoven Narváez-Romo
Closing – Presenter: Prof. Dr. Gherhardt Ribatski