
Heat Transfer Research Group (HTRG)

The Heat Transfer Research Group is located in the University of São Paulo at São Carlos School of Engineering. This group is coordinated by Prof. Gherhardt Ribatski, and focuses on developing cutting-edge and high-quality fundamental and applied research on the following topics:

  • Phase Change Heat Transfer
  • Micro-Nano Fluidics
  • Sustainable Refrigerants and Flow
  • Biomimetic Functional Surfaces (Porous/Roughness)
  • Wetting
  • Efficient Cooling Technologies (Evaporative Cooling, High Efficient Heat Pipes)
  • Multi-Scale Numerical Modeling

The available facilities comprise multiple experimental setups that work with single- and multi-phase flows (air-water, boiling and condensation) in conventional, mini and microchannels.

Center for Semiconductor and Nanotechnology Components (CCSNano)

The Center for Semiconductor Components and Nanotechnologies (CCSNano) at University of Campinas (UnIcamp) has as general objectives conducting basic and applied research, provide services and support to education, aiming at continuous improvement of human resources and processes in microelectronics and related fields. Its upper structure consists of: Scientific Council Superior –deliberative superior Organ and Board – Exercised by the Director, assisted by the Associate Director. The CCSNano develops interdisciplinary research in the area of nano and microfabrication and it is institutionalized and modernizing its group of equipments, getting growth in the number and quality of publications and the number of graduate students, undergraduate and trainees. In this context, to continue growing the mission of CCSNano is to be an Interdisciplinary Center for the purpose of:

  • develop quantitative, basic and applied research in the area of Microelectronics, Microsystems, Micro and Nanofabrication research, including semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, inputs and production equipment;
  • improving skills in research and development in the area of Microelectronics, Microsystems, Micro and Nanofabrication;
  • advise institutions and professionals in Microelectronics, Microsystems, Micro and Nanofabrication in the acquisition, installation, maintenance and decommissioning of equipment and processes of microelectronics and photonics;
  • provide services in the area of Microelectronics, Microsystems, Micro and Nanofabrication.

Renewable and Alternative Energy Systems Laboratory – SISEA

Renewable and Alternative Energy Systems Laboratory (SISEA) is a research group of the University of São Paulo and is located in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Polytechnic School. SISEA has many research and development projects in progress. Areas of interest are Thermal Engineering, Renewable and Alternative Energy, Fuel Gas, as well as the use and transformation of Energy. SISEA also promotes the specialization course on Renewable Energy, Distributed Generation and Energy Efficiency through the Program of Continuing Education in Engineering of EPUSP.